
  • Achieved Available information indicates that process indicator has been achieved
  • On Track Available information indicates that process indicator is not yet achieved, but ongoing efforts are being made
  • Not on Track No contribution has been reported
Read time: 1 min
  • Leadership / Governance

    1. Revise the FP regulations/policies/guidelines for the implementation of Family Planning (FP) in Universal Health Coverage (UHC) 2. Develop policy briefs to strengthen the revision of the regulations, policies, and guides for implementation of FP in UHC

    Process Indicators
  • Health Service Delivery

    Under the coordination of MOH, BKKBN, and BPJS, the Government of Indonesia will ensure the provision of free access to family planning services and contraceptives both in public and affiliated private providers under the National Health Insurance scheme towards Universal Health Coverage by 2019.

    Process Indicators
  • Leadership / Governance

    Ensure that postpartum and post-abortion women have access to post-pregnancy family planning counselling and services pre-discharge.

    Process Indicators