Capacity building for health providers
The Government of Indonesia has put capacity building for health providers as one of the FP2020 commitments.
Follow the money allocated annually for Family Planning
To know what the Government of Indonesia truly prioritizes, we must follow the money. Government officials always vocalize support for women’s health every day including FP, but without committed financial backing, they won’t get results. Money is needed to buy commodities, train staff and support clinics and health workers.
Saying family planning is a priority isn’t enough. How do citizens know that a government fulfilled its commitment? If partners conduct budget advocacy for FP resources allocated annually, it will be easy to assess how money has been dedicated to either FP commodities or programs, how much of this was actually spent as planned, and whether this was done efficiently by BKKBN or MoH or local governments.
Scale-up Districts/Counties with FP –CIPs
BAPPENAS and UNFPA are scaling up counties to develop FP Costed Implementation Plans as one of strategies to implementing the Rights Based strategy for FP. The CIPs lay the groundwork for prioritizing, coordinating, and budgeting for FP throughout the county/districts and with increased advocacy efforts, there is need for a concerted strategy to improve FP interventions, particularly in rural areas.
Engaging private sector to increase youth-friendly RH services
Due to limitation from National law, the Government is not permitted to provide family planning services for adolescents, including contraceptives, hence focus only on the outreach and providing information and education. However, this particular gap can be filled up by CSOs and non-government’s contribution. Unfortunately, there is still lack of effort in addressing this gap, especially to reinforce a network or collaboration between these two sectors.
BKKBN and Ministry of Health to expedite approval of FP policies
The FP policies on Post-partum and post-abortion FP counselling; FP commodities and services for emergency and crisis populations are still under review yet are key in improving FP access. In addition, the Approval and endorsement of BKKBN’s decree related to supply chain management is needed