- Achieved Available information indicates that process indicator has been achieved
- On Track Available information indicates that process indicator is not yet achieved, but ongoing efforts are being made
- Not on Track No contribution has been reported
Health Service Delivery
Generate evidence on current coverage as a baseline to increase coverage
Process Indicators
Health Service Delivery
Districts supported to develop FP costed implementation plans and mobilize resources
Process Indicators
Health Service Delivery
Framework to guide districts and advocacy to interest districts in the challenge initiative
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
Government commits to raise $20 million annually through continued partnership with development agencies and the private sector
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
Buy - in from other donors to expand matching grants
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
Capacity building on RBF for both the central and district stakeholders
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
Development of an accountability mechanism to monitor implementation of the RBF grant
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
Ensure RBF focal operational unit to support development and implementation of work plans and verification of invoices, certify invoices and disburse in accordance with guidelines
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
Raising awareness of the voucher programme including geographical location and groups targeted; increased financing of FP voucher schemes .
Process Indicators