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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
TABORA DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION TRUST (TDFT) Distributes condoms to both male and female commercial sex workers and young adolescents. Distributes condoms to both male and female commercial sex workers and young adolescents. Some of the clients who needed long term family planning methods were referred to the hospitals. 2,000 beneficiaries were reached and 26,000 condoms were distributed.
FHI 360 Tanzania Work to scale up and expand FP services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of FP Work to scale up and expand family planning services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of family planning in the health facilities in different parts of Tanzania with a greater focus on addressing the overarching problem of unmet needs among women and young adolescents of reproductive age.
UNFPA Tanzania Work to scale up and expand FP services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of FP Work to scale up and expand family planning services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of family planning in the health facilities in different parts of Tanzania with a greater focus on addressing the overarching problem of unmet needs among women and young adolescents of reproductive age.
EngenderHealth Tanzania Partners with Ministry of Health to expand FP programs in 26 regions in Tanzania Partners with Ministry of Health to expand family planning programs in 26 regions in Tanzania as well as expand FP services to lower level of health facilities being dispensaries. The expansion involves broadening FP choices, including highly effective but harder to deliver services e.g. Hormonal implants, IUDs and permanent methods. Most recently, Engender health through the project of RESPOND Tanzania Project works to address unmet needs for contraceptive methods as well as advance the use of family planning and reproductive health services in Tanzania.
Mariestopes Tanzania Developed nearly 35 mobile outreach teams that serve FP clients in the rural areas of Tanzania. Tanzania contributes to over 33% of contraceptive services in Tanzania with a focus on undermined young women who are in great need of family planning methods. Marie Stopes developed nearly 35 mobile outreach teams that serve family planning clients in the rural areas of Tanzania. Apart from serving FP clients in the regions, Marie Stopes links and provides youth friendly services to community based organizations in the regions with high teenage pregnancy rates. They work closely with the Government to integrate youth friendly services in the health facilities.
Parhfinder Tanzania Supports health facilities to offer a wide range of quality contraceptives. Supports health facilities to offer a wide range of quality contraceptives through the provision of long and short contraceptive methods as well as emergency contraceptive methods. Pathfinder works to make family planning methods readily available when needed by the users. Their interventions include expanding family planning choices for first time parents in Shinyanga regions. Over 1,170 young women have been referred to health facilities for permanent family planning methods.
KIVIDEA Mobilize youth to access services at the facility level Mobilize youth to access services at the facility level and mobilize women of reproductive age to attend clinic and get FP services.
PSI Tanzania Conducts weekly youth events in 20 regions of Tanzania Mainland. Conducts weekly youth events in 20 regions of Tanzania Mainland. In these educative and informative events different methods of family planning have been distributed to those in need including both men and women.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
TABORA DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION TRUST (TDFT) Distributes condoms to both male and female commercial sex workers and young adolescents. Distributes condoms to both male and female commercial sex workers and young adolescents. Some of the clients who needed long term family planning methods were referred to the hospitals. 2,000 beneficiaries were reached and 26,000 condoms were distributed.
FHI 360 Tanzania Work to scale up and expand FP services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of FP Work to scale up and expand family planning services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of family planning in the health facilities in different parts of Tanzania with a greater focus on addressing the overarching problem of unmet needs among women and young adolescents of reproductive age.
UNFPA Tanzania Work to scale up and expand FP services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of FP Work to scale up and expand family planning services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of family planning in the health facilities in different parts of Tanzania with a greater focus on addressing the overarching problem of unmet needs among women and young adolescents of reproductive age.
EngenderHealth Tanzania Partners with Ministry of Health to expand FP programs in 26 regions in Tanzania Partners with Ministry of Health to expand family planning programs in 26 regions in Tanzania as well as expand FP services to lower level of health facilities being dispensaries. The expansion involves broadening FP choices, including highly effective but harder to deliver services e.g. Hormonal implants, IUDs and permanent methods. Most recently, Engender health through the project of RESPOND Tanzania Project works to address unmet needs for contraceptive methods as well as advance the use of family planning and reproductive health services in Tanzania.
Mariestopes Tanzania Developed nearly 35 mobile outreach teams that serve FP clients in the rural areas of Tanzania. Tanzania contributes to over 33% of contraceptive services in Tanzania with a focus on undermined young women who are in great need of family planning methods. Marie Stopes developed nearly 35 mobile outreach teams that serve family planning clients in the rural areas of Tanzania. Apart from serving FP clients in the regions, Marie Stopes links and provides youth friendly services to community based organizations in the regions with high teenage pregnancy rates. They work closely with the Government to integrate youth friendly services in the health facilities.
Parhfinder Tanzania Supports health facilities to offer a wide range of quality contraceptives. Supports health facilities to offer a wide range of quality contraceptives through the provision of long and short contraceptive methods as well as emergency contraceptive methods. Pathfinder works to make family planning methods readily available when needed by the users. Their interventions include expanding family planning choices for first time parents in Shinyanga regions. Over 1,170 young women have been referred to health facilities for permanent family planning methods.
KIVIDEA Mobilize youth to access services at the facility level Mobilize youth to access services at the facility level and mobilize women of reproductive age to attend clinic and get FP services.
PSI Tanzania Conducts weekly youth events in 20 regions of Tanzania Mainland. Conducts weekly youth events in 20 regions of Tanzania Mainland. In these educative and informative events different methods of family planning have been distributed to those in need including both men and women.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter