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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Kiota Women's Health and Development (KIWOHEDE) Distributed IECs materials on RMNCAH and FP to the target population IECs materials on RMNCAH and family planning were distributed to the target population including the youth and young adolescents in the regions they work in.
Vision 4 Youth Distributed IEC materials in two council of Arusha MC and Monduli at community level. In collaboration with PSI distributed IEC materials in two council of Arusha MC and Monduli at community level. As well as distribution of IEC materials in 16 secondary schools in Arusha MC
TABORA DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION TRUST (TDFT) Distributed 9000 IECs materials to adolescents and female sex workers. Distributed 9000 IECs materials to adolescents and female sex workers.
Tanzania Red Cross Society Developed and disseminated IECs materials to young people and adolescents Developed and disseminated IECs materials to young people and adolescents in and out of schools in Simiyu.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Kiota Women's Health and Development (KIWOHEDE) Distributed IECs materials on RMNCAH and FP to the target population IECs materials on RMNCAH and family planning were distributed to the target population including the youth and young adolescents in the regions they work in.
Vision 4 Youth Distributed IEC materials in two council of Arusha MC and Monduli at community level. In collaboration with PSI distributed IEC materials in two council of Arusha MC and Monduli at community level. As well as distribution of IEC materials in 16 secondary schools in Arusha MC
TABORA DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION TRUST (TDFT) Distributed 9000 IECs materials to adolescents and female sex workers. Distributed 9000 IECs materials to adolescents and female sex workers.
Tanzania Red Cross Society Developed and disseminated IECs materials to young people and adolescents Developed and disseminated IECs materials to young people and adolescents in and out of schools in Simiyu.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter