On 11 July 2017, the UK Department for International Development (UK DFID) co-hosted a global summit on family planning in London with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) and in close partnership with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Global Affairs Canada, to re-energise global commitment to one of the “best buys” in development: rights-based family planning programmes.

The 2017 Family Planning Summit sought to sharpen focus on lessons learned and proven solutions, while broadening and deepening the network of partners to bring local actions and solutions to scale particularly for populations that have traditionally been left behind, such as adolescents and youth, and women and girls in humanitarian situations.

The 2017 Family Planning Summit profiled commitments from FP2020 countries and demonstrated their continued and increased leadership on family planning building on the FP2020 commitments made in 2012.

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Increase health facilities providing FP services

We envision a society where women and their families will be able to freely choose and use contraceptives according to their needs and have adequate and appropriate information to facilitate such decisions. To achieve this we will work to reduce physical barrier to family planning utilization by increasing the number of health facilities providing family planning services across the country from about 9,000 presently to 20,000 in 2020.
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Sustainable financing for the National FP program

We will embark on deliberate efforts to ensure sustainable financing for the National Family Planning program. Specially, the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) will ensure provision of US$4mil annually from 2017 to 2020 for procurement of contraceptive for the public sector (an increase from the US$3 mil committed from 2011 to 2014) including payment of backlog of commitments for 2013 & 2014.
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The Ethiopian government is committed to a progressive increase of financing to family planning services.

The Ethiopian government is committed to a progressive increase of financing to family planning services. The Ethiopian government will increase its financing of family planning services by continuing to earmark incrementally funds from its SDG pool fund for its FP budget and using the National Health Account to track expenditures for FP.
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The Government of Ethiopia will improve the distribution of FP commodities and consumables

The Government of Ethiopia will improve the distribution of FP commodities and consumables from the central level to service delivery points by increasing the capacity of healthcare workers to manage the logistics system and of the Pharmaceuticals Fund and Supply Agency (PFSA) through improving human resource and commodity supply chain, and logistics to manage the national supply chain.
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Address RH Needs for young people

The Government of Indonesia will address reproductive health needs of young people by implementing cross-sector, integrated, and comprehensive policies and strategies on sexual and reproductive health information, education, communication, and counseling through youth friendly healthcare services as well as community-and school-based programs. The Government of Indonesia will strengthen the integrated approach for rights-based family planning (RFP) programming at the sub-national level.
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Provide FP Services and Contraceptives through the National Health Insurance scheme by 2019

The Government of Indonesia will ensure the provision of family planning services and contraceptives through the National Health Insurance scheme towards Universal Health Coverage by 2019. In order to expand its reach, the Government of Indonesia will actively engage the private sector, include post-partum and post-abortion family planning services in the scheme, and ensure the availability of family planning services and contraceptives for hard-to-reach populations, including those living in remote area, border region, and outermost islands
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