+263 4 307 898
17 Beveridge Rd, Harare, Zimbabwe

To be a centre of excellence that promotes effective and ethical development responses to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, HIV (including PMTCT) and TB through advocacy, communication and social mobilisation.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Increased uptake of contraception by young people Trained Service providers from 8 Districts in western and Central province. Trained Service providers from 8 Districts in western and Central province on provision of quality of post-abortion services of young people.
Increased uptake of contraception by young people Had two series of trainings with service providers. Had two series of trainings with service providers on provision of quality Family Planning for young people.
Increased uptake of contraception by young people Had seen a reduction in teenage pregnancy in Kafue. Had seen a reduction in teenage pregnancy in Kafue in their project prevention of HIV among adolescents and young people and integration of services. They had community sensitization, Capacity Building with Traditional leaders and also provision of services in collaboration with other partners. Baseline and end line survey was done. They also trained traditional leaders in CSE in 8 Districts, 4 from Western and 4 from Central. They are currently working in Lusaka, Eastern Province, Western and North Western province using the UNFPA tune me platform to disseminate information on SRHR.
Reduction in teenage pregnancy Had two series of trainings with service providers on provision of quality Family Planning for young people. Had two series of trainings with service providers on provision of quality Family Planning for young people.
Number of schools offering Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Trained teachers in CSE in 4 schools in Lusaka and being linked to health centers. They trained teachers in CSE in 4 schools in Lusaka and being linked to health centers. SAfAIDS are bigger partners in CSE working with UNESCO.