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Secretary General
New York, New York, United States

UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Pilot district CIPs from 2016 to 2020 and obtain the pilot report Pilot district CIPs UNFPA supports BAPPENAS, BKKBN, and MoH in the implementation of Integrated Right-based FP and maternal health and piloting program in 3 districts of 3 provinces.
District CIPs developed Developing district CIPs UNFPA supports BAPPENAS, BKKBN, and MoH in the implementation of Integrated Right-based FP and maternal health and piloting program in 3 districts of 3 provinces.
Public private partnerships established for provision of youth friendly services Developing IEC materials UNFPA is supporting the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Culture in developing IEC materials for youth reproductive health in the form of modul for primary, secondary, and high school. UNFPA is also collaborating with Yayasan Siklus for developing IEC materials. UNFPA develops health services through public partnerships with the private sector, namely UNALA. Currently UNALA is developing SOPs and capacity building in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and professional organizations such as IDI, IBI, POGI, IDAI and Mental Health for doctors and midwives in private practice.
BKKBN/MOH develop adolescent and youth IEC materials Developing IEC materials UNFPA is supporting the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Culture in developing IEC materials for youth reproductive health in the form of modul for primary, secondary, and high school. UNFPA is also collaborating with Yayasan Siklus for developing IEC materials.
South-south exchanges that focus on FP annually Strategic cooperation with Muslim Religious Leaders in the family planning program. UNFPA has supported BKKBN in south-south exchange programs since 2013, starting with strategic cooperation with Muslim Religious Leaders in the family planning program. In 2015, another program for a rights-based comprehensive family planning started and continue until 2019, collaborate with Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM)’s Center of Excellence. This UNFPA support takes place every year until UNFPA's CP 9 year.
Contraceptive Total Market Assessments (TMA) conducted Conducting the contraceptive TMA Supporting the TMA research.