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With more than 30 years experience in Indonesia, JSI fosters partnerships between government and civil society institutions, international development organizations, and the private sector to improve public health through health systems strengthening and maternal, child, and reproductive health programs.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Technical Guidelines for forecasting contraceptives needs and procurement developed Policy development JSI, under the MyChoice program, roled as facilitator in the revision of 2019 guidelines to improve the existing mechanism (BKKBN system).
An Online system for monitoring contraceptive commodities developed Pilot of contraceptive monitoring tools JSI supported BKKBN in the development of MIM tools as well as the pilot programs in 4 provinces
National supply Chain Management guidelines updated Policy development Supporting BKKBN in developing SCM guidelines, together with the issuance of the newest Head of BKKBN’s Decree, revising the provious Decree no 286 year 2011
Contraceptive Total Market Assessments (TMA) conducted Conducting the contraceptive TMA JSI through MyChoice program supported BKKBN in conducting contraceptive TMA. The assessment used two methodologies : 1) analyzing demographic data document and compared it with the use and services of BKKBN’s contraceptives; and 2) assessment from private pharmatical industry based on their logistic data to validate and complement the data used in other methodologies, as well as to understand the contraceptive availability, access, and clients’ preference on contraceptives products. This study aimed to support the government in decision making related to budget allocation for supply chain.