Ministry of Health, Afya House, Cathedral Road, P.O. Box:30016–00100, Nairobi, Kenya.

To build a progressive, responsive and sustainable health care system for accelerated attainment of the highest standard of health to all Kenyans

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
FP champions trained and deployed in counties Coordinated and provided support supervision for the trained champions Coordinated and provided support supervision for the trained champions
County Health Management Teams trained in quantification and forecasting Sensitize health workers on forecasting, quantification, procurement and inventory management. Sensitize health workers on forecasting, quantification, procurement and inventory management. Coordinate workshops for training of health care workers at the Counties. Build CHMT and SCHMT to plan ,conduct and evaluate quarterly supply chain and commodity management support supervision,
Age-disaggregated data on maternal and perinatal deaths reported annually Conduct quarterly Open Maternity day at facility level Conduct quarterly Open Maternity day at facility level
Health facilities supported to provide youth friendly services Sensitize the CHVs on (SRH) needs of youths and adolescents and dissemination of SRH messages. Sensitize the CHVs on Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) needs of youths and adolescents and dissemination of SRH messages. Conduct Youth friendly health service package mentorship and coaching sessions
Bi-annual field visits to private health facilities Provided supportive supervision for the Health Care providers Provided supportive supervision for the Health Care providers
Total amount allocated for procurement of FP commodities in the National Budget annually Contributed to the procument of FP commodities $2.4 million (245 million Kes) in FY2019/20
Revised National CIP Provided stewardship and coordination in the development of the CIP Provided stewardship and coordination in the development of the costed implementation plan