World vision believes every child matters. Its goal is to ensure all children live life in all its fullness. To achieve this,World Vision works in remote and hard to reach areas to find solutions to health, education, food, water and sanitation challenges.Because children can only thrive in healthy communities, World Vision work is holistic and impacts not only the lives of children, but also their families, households and communities. This ensures that children are well-nurtured, supported and taken care of.
Organisation's Contributions
Process Indicator | Contribution | Description |
CHV supporting use of modern contraceptives in villages | Trained and working with 2252 CHVs 476 Faith leaders and 215 Health care workers | Trained and working with 2252 CHVs 476 Faith leaders and 215 Health care workers |
FP champions trained and deployed in counties | Trained 42 CHVs in West Pokot and Isiolo | World Vision trained 42 CHVs in West Pokot and Isiolo |
Revised National CIP | Provided Logistical support and technical contribution on the development of the CIP | Provided Logistical support and technical contribution on the development of the costed implementation plan. |
County budgetlines for FP created | Coordinated development of CIPs for the Counties with funding from UNFPA | Coordinated development of CIPs for Turkana, Narok, Baringo, Samburu and Elgeyo Marakwet with funding from UNFPA Provided Logistics and technical contributions to all the county documents in liaison with the consultant |