Abt Associates is an engine for social impact, fueled by caring, curiosity and cutting-edge research that moves people from vulnerability to security. Whether it's welfare or weather disasters, the environment or economics, agriculture or HIV and AIDS, we address the world's most pressing issues. Our work is diverse and so is our bold workforce. We never fail to ask "What if?" We identify patterns, we search for the best way.
Organisation's Contributions
Process Indicator | Contribution | Description |
Skilled health workers recruited and available in the hard to reach and underserved areas | Puts strict emphasis on facility managers recruiting qualified midwives. | Through USAID/Uganda Voucher Plus Activity puts strict emphasis on facility managers recruiting qualified midwives to prove EMONC services as pre-requisite for enrollment in the Voucher scheme. |
Refresher training on SRH/FP/HIV/AIDS/GBV services | Conducted refresher trainings for 132 private providers on FP, 247 on GBV services and 352 providers on HIV/AIDS. | Conducted refresher trainings for 132 private providers on FP, 247 on GBV services and 352 providers on HIV/AIDS. |
Service providers trained on provision of LARCs and PMs by level of care | Trained 119 private health workers on LARCs from HC IIIs, 5 from HC IVs & 8 from Hospitals. | Trained 119 private health workers on LARCs from HC IIIs, 5 from HC IVs & 8 from Hospitals. |
Number of SDPs providing FP services | Supported 130 facilities to offer FP services in the project districts. | Supported 130 facilities to offer FP services in the project districts. |
All health facilities offering ANC to provide eMTCT services | Supported 94 private facilities to get assessed for ART accreditation. | Supported 94 private facilities to get assessed for ART accreditation and MOH accredited 24 of these to offer eMTCT services. |
All health facilities offering ANC 4+ contacts from 43% to 85% by 2020 | The ANC4+ contacts from supported facilities stands at 23%. | Through the USAID/Uganda Voucher Plus Activity, the ANC4+ contacts from supported facilities stands at 23%. |
Roll-out Results Based Financing at EmONC Health Facilities | Rolled out the voucher scheme to 160 EmONC health facilities in 33 districts in East and north. | Rolled out the voucher scheme to 160 EmONC health facilities in 33 districts in East and north. |
All EmONC facilities have access to a functional Ambulance | 25 of the 160 voucher supported EMONC facilities have ambulances. | 25 of the 160 voucher supported EMONC facilities have ambulances, 34 have standby facility vehicles to ease referrals while other 78 are linked to nearby ambulances. |
Number of trained health workers on EmONC available at all health centre IIIs, IVs and hospitals | Trained 306 providers in EMONC from all supported 160 facilities in 33 districts. | Trained 306 providers in EMONC from all supported 160 facilities in 33 districts. |
Approved RH policy that incorporates TMA | Enrolled 160 private facilities in 33 districts in east & northern Uganda. | Enrolled 160 private facilities in 33 districts in east & northern Uganda to offer RH voucher services to poor women. |
Train providers on youth friendly service provision to reduce provider biases | Trained 247 private providers on how to offer youth friendly services. | Trained 247 private providers on how to offer youth friendly services and set up youth friendly corners/schedules. |
Improve the generation and use of quality and timely national data on FP | Built capacity of private health facilities on HMIS. | Built capacity of private health facilities on HMIS data capture and reporting into DHIS 2, supplied HMIS tools, if found missing, to supported facilities and worked with District Biostatisticians to mentor providers. |
Use a multi-sectoral approach to implement the National Adolescent Health Policy Action Plan to increase access to quality sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and young people | Trained 247 private providers on how to offer youth friendly services. | Trained 247 private providers on how to offer youth friendly services and set up youth friendly corners/schedules targeting out of school youth in communities with key information on SRH and refer those in need of services to nearby facilities. |
Raising awareness of the voucher programme including geographical location and groups targeted; increased financing of FP voucher schemes . | Conducted community sensitization & referral services. | Conducted community sensitization & referral services by VHTs in 33 voucher covered Districts in the East. |
Raising awareness of the voucher programme including geographical location and groups targeted; increased financing of FP voucher schemes . | Conducted community sensitization & referral services by VHTs | Conducted community sensitization & referral services by VHTs in 33 voucher covered Districts in East (Amuria, Budaka, Bududa, Bukedea, Pallisa, Butaleja, Katakwi, Kumi, Manafwa, Ngora, Serere, Sironko, Soroti, Kaberamaido, Kapchorwa, Bulambuli, Kween, Bukwo & northern Uganda (Alebtong, Amuru, Apac, Gulu, Kitgum, Lamwo, Lira, Otuke, Oyam, Dokolo, Nwoya, Kole, Pader, Agago and Amolatar); facilitated capacity building, awareness creation, and Advocacy for RH output-based approach for voucher services for the poor women at district, community, and private health facility levels in East & North Uganda. In addition, distributed vouchers to poor vulnerable women in Poorly regulated health system especially in the private sector communities in the project districts. |