+260 211 268 732
Marie Stopes Zambia, Plot 120 Kudu Road, Kabulonga P.O Box 33739 Lusaka Zambia - 10101

Marie Stopes Zambia provides contraception and safe abortion empowering women and girls to take control of their futures.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
HMIS system adds an indicator on young people Actively advocates for specific indicators on adolescents SRH to be added to the HMIS. Sits on the ADH TWG where alongside several other partners, it actively advocates for specific indicators on adolescents SRH to be added to the HMIS. In 2018 MSZ was implementing the MDGi project which included contributing towards HMIS review for adolescents SRH.
Increased uptake of contraception by young people Provided modern contraceptives to over 15,000 adolescents. Provided modern contraceptives to over 15,000 adolescents representing 15% of its total client base in the period under review. They also provided adolescent friendly health services via: Adolescents only Centres known as Diva Centres based in Lusaka, MS Ladies in Lusaka, Copperbelt and Solwezi 9 outreach teams providing FP services including adolescents friend FP services across 8 provinces Msz also has a toll free Call Centre which helps adolescents with information and referral services for SRH services.
Number of trained Community Health Workers by both partners and Government Trained 20 providers across the country in the provision of DMPA SC as per the DMPA SC Road Map. Trained 20 providers across the country in the provision of DMPA SC as per the DMPA SC Road Map.
MoH purchases contraceptive commodities Participated in all MoH/ UNFPA led National FP Commodity quantification meetings. Participated in all MoH/ UNFPA led National FP Commodity quantification meetings. They also worked towards the registration of Levoplant in country given the implant jadelle implant shortage the country faced in 2018.