The updated Global Strategy builds on the success of the 2010 Global Strategy and its Every Woman Every Child movement as a platform to accelerate the health-related Millennium Development Goals and puts women, children and adolescents at the heart of the new UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Global Strategy is a bold new roadmap for ending all preventable maternal, newborn and child deaths, including stillbirths, by 2030, and improving their overall health and wellbeing. It aims to keep women, children and adolescents at the heart of the sustainable development agenda, unlocking their vast potential for transformative change.

Over 50 countries and 120 organizations have already made official commitments to the Global Strategy, pledging over $25 billion to women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health. Implementing the Global Strategy, with increased and sustained financing over the next 15 years, will yield tremendous returns.

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Résumé d’avancement d’activité pour des engagements PF 2030 du Bénin, 2022

Le Bénin a pris des engagements FP 2030, ils ont été lancés en 2021. Puis déconstruits à l'aide du Motion Tracker pour développer les indicateurs de processus qui ont ensuite été validés lors de la réunion des parties prenantes. Afin de mesurer les progrès, le Bénin a lancé l'exercice de collecte de données qui a débuté en janvier et s'est terminé en juin 2022. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide des méthodologies Motion Tracker. Le Résumé a été compilé et peut être consulté ci-dessous:
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Increase from 90% to 100%, immunization coverage for immunizable diseases

Increase from 90% to 100%, immunization coverage for immunizable diseases namely: Tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, pneumococcal, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenza, and measles. New effective vaccines will be scaled up especially for prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia, diarrhea due to Rota virus infection and human papilloma virus (for prevention of cancer cervix)
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Address malnutrition through a comprehensive multi-sectoral package

Address malnutrition through a comprehensive multi-sectoral package in order to reduce the prevalence of child stunting from 33% to 20%. Children’s health will also be improved by ensuring that at least 80% of children under five years of age with pneumonia, diarrhea, or malaria, access effective treatment at either community or facility level within 24 hours, including access to oral rehydration therapy and zinc.
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Increase contraception prevalence from 30% in 2015 to 50%

Increase contraception prevalence from 30% in 2015 to 50% by increasing the number of service delivery points providing family planning services and ensuring increased availability of Reproductive Health commodities. Uganda will also develop new policies and innovative partnerships to focus on Adolescent health and implement new legislation on gender equality.
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Increase the national budget dedicated to health to at least 15% by 2020 with particular focus on mobilizing resources for the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and adolescent.

Increase the national budget dedicated to health to at least 15% by 2020 with particular focus on mobilizing resources for the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and adolescent. Investment case to expand and enhance women’s and children’s public and private health programs by increasing domestic resources, attracting new external support and improving coordination of existing assistance
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Ensure universal free access to comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care services from 43% to 90%

Ensure universal free access to comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care services from 43% to 90% through: Equipping and recruitment of skilled service providers, setting up ambulance service for emergency referrals, developing incentive schemes, to attract and retain health workers in hard to reach areas, expanding results-based financing, and increasing coverage for Focus Antenatal Care while integrating elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV service and ensure free availability of mosquito treated nets to every family. (EWEC 2016/2011)
Read time: 1 min


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