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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Consortium of Reproductive Health Association ( CORHA) Held different consultation meetings where FP was one of the priorities discussed CORHA held different consultation meetings where Family planning was one of the priorities discussed. For instance, organized national consultation and awareness raising workshop for concerned government and non-government partners to conceptualize the DD and consider both the opportunities and challenges that the country could face to benefit from the DD, including using FP as one of the game changers to harnessing the DD. A one-day high level national consultation workshop on multi-sectoral partnership platform formation was held at Hyatt Regency Hotel on 1 March 2019, where consensus was reached to revitalize and strengthen high-level partnership forum which is instrumental to reduce wastage of resources and duplication of efforts among partners of adolescent and youth development. Furthermore, CoRHA facilitated a high level consultative workshop with Federal and Regional House of Peoples Representatives on the implementation of youth policy, strategy and youth package from 11-12 March 2019 at Dire International Hotel, Adama town. The consultative workshop was organized to discuss the oversight role of the parliamentarians at federal and regional levels on the implementation of youth policy, strategy and packages in general and youth volunteerism, the status of national service program, the status of youth mainstreaming in particular and on the way forward for possible revision of the existing national youth policy of Ethiopia (2004)
Marie Stopes Ethiopia Supported FMOH to conduct advocacy on FP Supported FMOH to conduct advocacy on FP and organize important platform to address barriers on family planning program.
Ministry of Health Ethiopia Organized a meeting to orient members of the Social Standing Committees on the health status with a focus on family planning in Ethiopia. The FMoH-MCH-N Directorate organized a meeting to orient members of the Social Standing Committees on the health status with a focus on family planning in Ethiopia. A total of 70 members of the social standing committee of the Ethiopian parliament were in attendance. The meeting provided constructive discussions between members of the Social Standing Committees of the House of People Representatives to deliberate on priority policy interventions build and sustain the momentum for political will for FP within the existing situation.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Consortium of Reproductive Health Association ( CORHA) Held different consultation meetings where FP was one of the priorities discussed CORHA held different consultation meetings where Family planning was one of the priorities discussed. For instance, organized national consultation and awareness raising workshop for concerned government and non-government partners to conceptualize the DD and consider both the opportunities and challenges that the country could face to benefit from the DD, including using FP as one of the game changers to harnessing the DD. A one-day high level national consultation workshop on multi-sectoral partnership platform formation was held at Hyatt Regency Hotel on 1 March 2019, where consensus was reached to revitalize and strengthen high-level partnership forum which is instrumental to reduce wastage of resources and duplication of efforts among partners of adolescent and youth development. Furthermore, CoRHA facilitated a high level consultative workshop with Federal and Regional House of Peoples Representatives on the implementation of youth policy, strategy and youth package from 11-12 March 2019 at Dire International Hotel, Adama town. The consultative workshop was organized to discuss the oversight role of the parliamentarians at federal and regional levels on the implementation of youth policy, strategy and packages in general and youth volunteerism, the status of national service program, the status of youth mainstreaming in particular and on the way forward for possible revision of the existing national youth policy of Ethiopia (2004)
Marie Stopes Ethiopia Supported FMOH to conduct advocacy on FP Supported FMOH to conduct advocacy on FP and organize important platform to address barriers on family planning program.
Ministry of Health Ethiopia Organized a meeting to orient members of the Social Standing Committees on the health status with a focus on family planning in Ethiopia. The FMoH-MCH-N Directorate organized a meeting to orient members of the Social Standing Committees on the health status with a focus on family planning in Ethiopia. A total of 70 members of the social standing committee of the Ethiopian parliament were in attendance. The meeting provided constructive discussions between members of the Social Standing Committees of the House of People Representatives to deliberate on priority policy interventions build and sustain the momentum for political will for FP within the existing situation.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter