Advocate for creation of FP budget line in all counties
The Counties depend on the national government allocation and have little internally generated revenue. This results in insufficient funding for health sector with low priority accorded to Family Planning. There are ongoing efforts by CSOs with the county governors and state governments to create FP budget lines and in turn allocate resources for FP.
Advocate for creation of FP budget line in the National budget
There is lack of an effective, independent budget monitoring, lobbying and advocacy that contributes to the weakness in allocation, disbursements and expenditures for FP (commodities and programs) at the subnational level. There is need to build the budget monitoring and budget capacity of FP CSOs active in health budget advocacy.
Advocacy efforts for budget tracking of FP resources
At the national and subnational levels, the GoK committed budgetary resources to FP, most commonly for the purchase of contraceptive commodities and supplies. There is need for increased advocacy to FP investments beyond just commodities and supplies. To date, targeted advocacy focuses at increasing budget allocation yet it’s also critical to ensure that the allocated budgets by government and partners are spent fully and on time. In addition, there is need for deliberate engagement of counties to develop FP budget lines at subnational level.
Advocacy efforts for budget tracking of FP resources
At the national and subnational levels, the GoK committed budgetary resources to FP, most commonly for the purchase of contraceptive commodities and supplies. There is need for increased advocacy to FP investments beyond just commodities and supplies. To date, targeted advocacy focuses at increasing budget allocation yet it’s also critical to ensure that the allocated budgets by government and partners are spent fully and on time. In addition, there is need for deliberate engagement of counties to develop FP budget lines at subnational level.
Scale-up development of county CIPs
As of August 2020 only 23 out of 47 counties have developed FP CIPs with technical and financial support from partners. The County CIPs lay the groundwork for prioritizing, coordinating, and budgeting for family planning throughout the county/districts and align to the national FP CIP. There is need to advocate to implementing partners to mobilize resources to support the remaining counties in order to reap the extended benefits of investing in FP.