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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Vision 4 Youth Conducted social accountability through the youth led SAM team in Arusha MC and Monduli DC. Conducted social accountability through the youth led SAM team in Arusha MC and Monduli DC. As part of social accountability, 16 youth clubs have been established in both private and public schools in the mentioned localities
Parhfinder Tanzania Supported the engagement of communities in systematic processes to hold health facilities accountable for provision of high quality and rights based contraceptive services Through the beyond bias project supported the engagement of communities in systematic processes to hold health facilities accountable for provision of high quality and rights based contraceptive services. With such a process thus ensuring there’s availability of family planning services at the facility level to the undermined population at the time of need.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Vision 4 Youth Conducted social accountability through the youth led SAM team in Arusha MC and Monduli DC. Conducted social accountability through the youth led SAM team in Arusha MC and Monduli DC. As part of social accountability, 16 youth clubs have been established in both private and public schools in the mentioned localities
Parhfinder Tanzania Supported the engagement of communities in systematic processes to hold health facilities accountable for provision of high quality and rights based contraceptive services Through the beyond bias project supported the engagement of communities in systematic processes to hold health facilities accountable for provision of high quality and rights based contraceptive services. With such a process thus ensuring there’s availability of family planning services at the facility level to the undermined population at the time of need.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter