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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
JHPIEGO Kenya Participated in the RH policy development process that incorporated TMA Participated in the RH policy development process that incorporated TMA
UNFPA Kenya Provided logistical support in the development of the RH policy Provided logistical support in the development of the RH policy
PSK Coordinated the finalization of RH strategy Coordinated the finalization of RH strategy Coordinated the development of RHCSS provided logistical and technical contributions to the county documents in liaison with the consultant and financial support from UNFPA.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
JHPIEGO Kenya Participated in the RH policy development process that incorporated TMA Participated in the RH policy development process that incorporated TMA
UNFPA Kenya Provided logistical support in the development of the RH policy Provided logistical support in the development of the RH policy
PSK Coordinated the finalization of RH strategy Coordinated the finalization of RH strategy Coordinated the development of RHCSS provided logistical and technical contributions to the county documents in liaison with the consultant and financial support from UNFPA.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter