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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
JHPIEGO Kenya Supports CBDs through capacity building and facilitating proper FP commodity management practices. Supports CBDs through capacity building and facilitating proper FP commodity management practices. By September 2019, 1,995 CHVs were actively involved in the provision of FP messages to community members in the four counties - 278 CHVs in Kakamega, 749 in Kisumu, 618 in Kitui and 350 in Migori. 37 CUs are involved in community based distribution of FP commodities (6-Kakamega; 24- Kisumu; 7- Migori).
Marie Stopes Kenya Supporting over 850 CHVs to perform various functions Supporting over 850 CHVs to perform various functions such as interpersonal communication through market activities, health talks and community dialogues for FP. They also participate in chief barazas (community meetings organized by the county administration).
Amref-Kenya Trained CHWs in Samburu and Turkana counties to provide DMPA Injectable in the community with support from CHEWS Trained CHWs in Samburu and Turkana counties to provide DMPA Injectable in the community with support from CHEWS. Also, there is ongoing support for CHVs and cultural leaders dialogue as well as review meetings for community distributors of Family Planning commodities. In Kajiado county, CHVs are supported to create awareness on FP use during community action days by Dandelion Africa. Amref Through HSAP project advocates for budget allocation and policy development for family planning in Kajiado, Narok, Siaya and Homabay county.
Pathfinder International Kenya Supporting 1000 community FP distributors in Kilifi county. Supporting 1000 community FP distributors in Kilifi county.
World Vision Kenya Trained and working with 2252 CHVs 476 Faith leaders and 215 Health care workers Trained and working with 2252 CHVs 476 Faith leaders and 215 Health care workers
PS Kenya Provided refresher trainings for CHV in 19 counties Provided refresher trainings for CHV in 19 counties
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
JHPIEGO Kenya Supports CBDs through capacity building and facilitating proper FP commodity management practices. Supports CBDs through capacity building and facilitating proper FP commodity management practices. By September 2019, 1,995 CHVs were actively involved in the provision of FP messages to community members in the four counties - 278 CHVs in Kakamega, 749 in Kisumu, 618 in Kitui and 350 in Migori. 37 CUs are involved in community based distribution of FP commodities (6-Kakamega; 24- Kisumu; 7- Migori).
Amref-Kenya Trained CHWs in Samburu and Turkana counties to provide DMPA Injectable in the community with support from CHEWS Trained CHWs in Samburu and Turkana counties to provide DMPA Injectable in the community with support from CHEWS. Also, there is ongoing support for CHVs and cultural leaders dialogue as well as review meetings for community distributors of Family Planning commodities. In Kajiado county, CHVs are supported to create awareness on FP use during community action days by Dandelion Africa. Amref Through HSAP project advocates for budget allocation and policy development for family planning in Kajiado, Narok, Siaya and Homabay county.
Pathfinder International Kenya Supporting 1000 community FP distributors in Kilifi county. Supporting 1000 community FP distributors in Kilifi county.
World Vision Kenya Trained and working with 2252 CHVs 476 Faith leaders and 215 Health care workers Trained and working with 2252 CHVs 476 Faith leaders and 215 Health care workers
PS Kenya Provided refresher trainings for CHV in 19 counties Provided refresher trainings for CHV in 19 counties
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter