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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
JHPIEGO Kenya Supported selected counties Afya Halisi support selected counties in the following activities; - Technical assistance in planning and execution of SBC activities - Social and behaviour change Training of Trainers for sanitation marketing - Orientation of healthcare workers on Education Through Learning and Counselling for Choice
PSK Provided leadership and coordination in the development of SBCC Provided leadership and coordination in the development of SBCC
VSO Developed an SBCC strategy In the DESIP project, VSO and other consortium partners have developed an SBCC strategy that will address context specific issues of demand creation, access and utilization of FP commodities in the Northern and Arid Lands of Kenya where the project is implemented. Achieved with support from VSO and other consortium partners MoH, Amref Health Africa. Populations Services Kenya, Health Rights International, Options Consultancy Ltd and Faith to Action Network
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
JHPIEGO Kenya Supported selected counties Afya Halisi support selected counties in the following activities; - Technical assistance in planning and execution of SBC activities - Social and behaviour change Training of Trainers for sanitation marketing - Orientation of healthcare workers on Education Through Learning and Counselling for Choice
PSK Provided leadership and coordination in the development of SBCC Provided leadership and coordination in the development of SBCC
VSO Developed an SBCC strategy In the DESIP project, VSO and other consortium partners have developed an SBCC strategy that will address context specific issues of demand creation, access and utilization of FP commodities in the Northern and Arid Lands of Kenya where the project is implemented. Achieved with support from VSO and other consortium partners MoH, Amref Health Africa. Populations Services Kenya, Health Rights International, Options Consultancy Ltd and Faith to Action Network
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter