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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
ICAP Zambia Trained 12 CBDs in DMPA SC from 6 facilities in Lusaka District. Trained 12 CBDs in DMPA SC from 6 facilities in Lusaka District.
PPAZ Supported MOH train a total number of 47CBDs in DMPA IM/SC in Chongwe District. Supported MOH train a total number of 47CBDs in DMPA IM/SC in Chongwe District. They further trained a total number of 131 CBDs in DMPA IM/SC spread in Livingstone, Kazungula, Lusaka, Kitwe and Choma Districts. The Association is working closely with Ministry of Health.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
ICAP Zambia Trained 12 CBDs in DMPA SC from 6 facilities in Lusaka District. Trained 12 CBDs in DMPA SC from 6 facilities in Lusaka District.
PPAZ Supported MOH train a total number of 47CBDs in DMPA IM/SC in Chongwe District. Supported MOH train a total number of 47CBDs in DMPA IM/SC in Chongwe District. They further trained a total number of 131 CBDs in DMPA IM/SC spread in Livingstone, Kazungula, Lusaka, Kitwe and Choma Districts. The Association is working closely with Ministry of Health.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter