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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
SAfAIDS Trained teachers in CSE in 4 schools in Lusaka and being linked to health centers. They trained teachers in CSE in 4 schools in Lusaka and being linked to health centers. SAfAIDS are bigger partners in CSE working with UNESCO.
Copper Rose Zambia Worked with schools offering CSE outside the school environment in Lusaka and Southern Province. Worked with schools offering CSE outside the school environment in Lusaka and Southern Province. They are working with teachers in Lusaka.
Ministry of Youth and Sport Zambia In collaboration with SAfAIDS trained out of school in CSE from 10 provinces. In collaboration with SAfAIDS trained out of school in CSE from 10 provinces.
Restless Development Zambia Improved integration and delivery of CSE trainings were conducted. Improved integration and delivery of comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) trainings were conducted. Fortysix guidance and counselling teachers had their capacity developed to support the delivery and integration of CSE in daily lessons. The trainings were structured with emphasis on sustainability and the trained guidance and counselling teachers should be able to run similar trainings for other teachers in their work stations with support from the office of District Guidance and counselling coordinators. This in turn would ensure that all teachers in schools included in the intervention are trained and successfully delivering on CSE.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
SAfAIDS Trained teachers in CSE in 4 schools in Lusaka and being linked to health centers. They trained teachers in CSE in 4 schools in Lusaka and being linked to health centers. SAfAIDS are bigger partners in CSE working with UNESCO.
Copper Rose Zambia Worked with schools offering CSE outside the school environment in Lusaka and Southern Province. Worked with schools offering CSE outside the school environment in Lusaka and Southern Province. They are working with teachers in Lusaka.
Ministry of Youth and Sport Zambia In collaboration with SAfAIDS trained out of school in CSE from 10 provinces. In collaboration with SAfAIDS trained out of school in CSE from 10 provinces.
Restless Development Zambia Improved integration and delivery of CSE trainings were conducted. Improved integration and delivery of comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) trainings were conducted. Fortysix guidance and counselling teachers had their capacity developed to support the delivery and integration of CSE in daily lessons. The trainings were structured with emphasis on sustainability and the trained guidance and counselling teachers should be able to run similar trainings for other teachers in their work stations with support from the office of District Guidance and counselling coordinators. This in turn would ensure that all teachers in schools included in the intervention are trained and successfully delivering on CSE.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter