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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
The Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) Has health facilities in various parts of the country whose staff have been trained on EmONC. Has health facilities in various parts of the country whose staff have been trained on EmONC under projects like RHITES East.
Abt Associates Uganda Trained 306 providers in EMONC from all supported 160 facilities in 33 districts. Trained 306 providers in EMONC from all supported 160 facilities in 33 districts.
EngenderHealth Trained health workers on partograph use and EmONC skills. Trained health workers on partograph use and EmONC skills; provided equipment for safe delivery services; and conducted on-site mentoring and coaching to trained providers to maintain skills and quality maternity care.
USAID Piloting the maternal and newborn care quality of care standards. Piloting the maternal and newborn care quality of care standards recently released by WHO in Gulu and Nwoya districts.
Doctors with Africa CUAMM Uganda Trained 192 midwives on the 4 modules of EmONC in 5 West Nile districts. Trained 192 midwives on the 4 modules of EmONC in 5 West Nile districts (Arua, Koboko, Yumbe, Moyo, Adjumani) and Kiryandongo.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
The Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) Has health facilities in various parts of the country whose staff have been trained on EmONC. Has health facilities in various parts of the country whose staff have been trained on EmONC under projects like RHITES East.
Abt Associates Uganda Trained 306 providers in EMONC from all supported 160 facilities in 33 districts. Trained 306 providers in EMONC from all supported 160 facilities in 33 districts.
EngenderHealth Trained health workers on partograph use and EmONC skills. Trained health workers on partograph use and EmONC skills; provided equipment for safe delivery services; and conducted on-site mentoring and coaching to trained providers to maintain skills and quality maternity care.
USAID Piloting the maternal and newborn care quality of care standards. Piloting the maternal and newborn care quality of care standards recently released by WHO in Gulu and Nwoya districts.
Doctors with Africa CUAMM Uganda Trained 192 midwives on the 4 modules of EmONC in 5 West Nile districts. Trained 192 midwives on the 4 modules of EmONC in 5 West Nile districts (Arua, Koboko, Yumbe, Moyo, Adjumani) and Kiryandongo.