- Achieved Available information indicates that process indicator has been achieved
- On Track Available information indicates that process indicator is not yet achieved, but ongoing efforts are being made
- Not on Track No contribution has been reported
Leadership / Governance
Provide on-going supportive
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Conduct Integrated catchment based Mentorship and supervision at all warehouses
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Conduct regional trainings of healthcare workers responsible for reporting and ordering of commodities and supplies at the hospital and health centre levels
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Conduct Integrated supportive supervision to health posts initiated provision of IUD and willow box service by level four health extension workers
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Provide technical support to selected facilities and review their implementation
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Review and strengthen (MOH) logistics/commodity management in the Integrated Refresher Training curricula for HEWs with other key logistics stakeholders (e.g., the DELIVER Project, Supply Chain Management System [SCMS], PFSA, UNFPA, USAID)
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
Provide bicycles for remote health posts
Process Indicators
Access to Essential Medicines
Strengthening forecasting and supply planning, logistics management information system (LMIS), improving performance of last mile distribution and continue to be essential segments of the operation.
Process Indicators
Access to Essential Medicines
Equip IUCD and Implants Kit for Health facilities
Process Indicators
Access to Essential Medicines
Provide monthly feedback based on Family planning commodity stock analysis obtained from EPSA
Process Indicators
Access to Essential Medicines
Procure all FP commodities timely
Process Indicators
Access to Essential Medicines
Forecast annual FP needs, including service provision by the private sector, in consultation with PFSA and FMHACA
Process Indicators
Access to Essential Medicines
Review current contraceptives and consumables stock status and predicted needs; identify any commodities that may be low in stock and are urgently needed to arrive; remind partners responsible for them
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Conduct (MOH/RHBs and PFSA) joint supportive supervision exclusively on quantification
Process Indicators
Health System Financing
1. Develop job aid to assist district-level staff to forecast their commodity needs 2. Procure FP commodities and consumable
Process Indicators
Access to Essential Medicines
Conduct post-market surveillance on contraceptives
Process Indicators
Health Information Systems
1. Identify new technologies (e.g., SMS) with the potential to improve real-time stock monitoring and resupply planning 2. Pilot real- time stock monitoring system
Process Indicators
Health Workforce
Improve supply chain workforce capacity in different areas of supply chain through competency mapping
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Establish supply chain training and resource center
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
1. Revise PSA organization structure to reflect the changes in the agency’s business 2. Submit drafted proclamation of PSA structure to the Parliament for endorsement
Process Indicators
Health Workforce
1. Conduct data aggregation and analysis training for PFSA staff 2. Conduct annual TOTs to maintain an adequate training pool 3. Train staff on use of ICT equipment 4. Provide on-the-job training, follow-up supervision, and monitoring 5. Improve capacity of HEWs to review data on stock availability at health posts 6. Train new staff on warehouse and logistics management
Process Indicators