Ethiopia is DKT’s first country program, started in 1990. Since then, Ethiopia has made remarkable progress towards improving access to and use of contraceptives. The contraceptive prevalence rate for married women increased dramatically from 3% in 1990 to 38% in 2018. However, much work remains to be done, as 14% of women want to use contraception but lack access.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Annual quantification and forecasting conducted Provided technical assistance to the FMoH for the National Contraceptive Forecast Provided technical assistance to the FMoH for the National Contraceptive Forecast, 2019-2021 and liaised with the Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA) to ensure quality standards of pharmaceutical products and medical supplies marketed are met. DKT/E also participates in FP and Condom need quantification with Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (FHAPCO).
Number of research conducted Conducted market analysis studies DKT has conducted market analysis studies. DKT/E also uses its own HMIS that records sales data and generates results making analysis that compliment national statistics. In 2018 alone, 4,140,024 CYPs from $9,308,304 donor funding had been met.
Age appropriate BCC tools developed on awareness of health needs of adolescents Conducted SRH discussions and distributed IEC/ BCC materials on about EC, female condoms and contraceptives. DKT/ E conducted SRH discussions and distributed IEC/ BCC materials on about EC, female condoms and contraceptives. In addition they conducted Youth Networking and Experience Sharing Boot-camp training.
Comprehensive life skills education integrated into curricula and pilot implemntation started Provides access to FP and HIV/ AIDs prevention to Adolescent and Youth DKT provide access to FP and HIV/ AIDs prevention to Adolescent and Youth through Higher Education initiative (HEI) project in 25 campuses across 10 public universities and 2 Technical, Vocational Education schools (TVEs). Its undertaken different activities such as conducting block to block discussions among female and male students on HIV/ AIDs and FP, Safe Vacation, Safe Grad and Freshman Welcome events, Life Planning for a Better SRH trainings for students, Distributed BCC materials about safe vacation, EC, female condoms, contraceptives.