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DKT Indonesia is the world’s largest contraceptive social marketing program, and was established in 1996 with the launch of the Sutra condom — now the best-selling condom brand in the country (their other condom brand, Fiesta, is Number 2). In 2001 DKT Indonesia established the Andalan clinical services network along with a line of Andalan IUDs and hormonal contraceptives, and introduced Fiesta condoms to the market in 2003.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Awareness raising workshops on FP organized Conducted Training for Academic leaders & teachers Conducted Training for Academic leaders & teachers and trained Community change agents (Admin & supportive staff, campus polices and proctors) in SRH and Youth responsive Service delivery.
Private health providers trained in provision of FP services annually Capacity building of health providers During 2015-2017, DKT Indonesia regularly conducts CTU training for private midwives with legal certification from JNPK (Clinical Reproductive Health Training Network), which in 2017, a total of 1,100 midwives in 9 cities were received the CTU training. During the same year, a training of trainer (ToT) for post-partum IUD inserter was held in 5 provinces which resulted a total of 150 trainers of private midwives. In 2018, adapted from post-partum FP services training by JHPIEGO, DKT Indonesia conducted training related to CTU training, midwives update/refreshment, and post-partum IUD with total of trained private midwives were 408.
Service delivery points providing Full Choice FP services FP service provision As one of the largest private providers, DKT Indonesia provides a range of contraceptives, available in private healthcare facilities to accomodate diverse range of preferences on contraceptives (aside from the ones supplied by BKKBN). There are 4 types of contraceptive pills (combination, combination + Fe, lactation, and post-emergency pills); 2 types of injection (1 month and 3 months cycle), 6 types of IUD (CTU 380, IUD safe load, IUD sleek, Silverline 200, Silverline 380, Post-partum IUD inserter, and IUD TCU). The IUD TCU is also the contraceptive commodity supplied to BKKBN by DKT Indonesia.