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Our work began in in 1973, with the provision of life-saving reproductive health technologies for health systems in several countries. Since then, we have experienced amazing growth and change as an organization, but our singular commitment to expanding women’s and girls’ access to safe, legal abortion has remained constant.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Le comité de coordination des activités de sécurisation des produits PF est fonctionnel Participation à toutes les étapes de la quantification des produits en PF. IPAS a participé à toutes les étapes de la quantification des produits en PF.
Les SSSU-SAJ et les établissements sanitaires sont équipés pour fournir les services adaptés aux adolescents et jeunes Equiper les structures sanitaires en matériel médicotechnique et en kits d’insertion retrait implants et DIU et de prévention des infections 54 structures sanitaires d’IPAS sont équipées en matériel médicotechnique et en kits d’insertion retrait implants et DIU et de prévention des infections.
Les prestataires de santé d'établissement sanitaire de premier contact y compris les SSSU-SAJ sont formés en technologie contraceptive Formation des prestataires de santé en PF IPAS a eu 06 sessions de formations organisées dont : 05 sessions de formation en soins de santé sexuelle et reproductive (soins complets d’avortement au profit de 115 prestataires, 01 session de formation des formateurs en clarification des valeurs, transformation des attitudes au profit de 25 prestataires de soins.
Les supports de gestion des données sont reproduits Elaboration et la mise à disposition de 54 structures des registres. IPAS a élaboré et mis à disposition de 54 structures des registres.
visites de supervision PF conduites dans les établissements sanitaires Organisation des visites de suivi post formation en PF dans des structures sanitaires. IPAS a organisé des visites de suivi post formation en PF dans 54 structures sanitaires.
Develop a policy on postpartum and post-abortion FP counselling and services pre-discharge Developed a comprehensive post-abortion care IPAS, through the PEKERTI project starting in January 2018, developed a comprehensive post-abortion care consist of 5 components: 1) releasing the product of conception; 2) post-abortion counselling; 3) post-abortion FP services; 4) other reproductive health services; and 5) service referral and community engagement. At the national level, IPAS also actively involved on the policy development in post-abortion cares and services which result in the establishment of 2 (two) National Guidance on Medical Services (PNPK) focusing on post-abortion care and National Guidance on Medical Services (PNPK) on contraception which is currently still on drafting process.
Regular capacity building of health providers in FP services Capacity building of health providers Connected with the post-abortion comprehensive cares scheme that is developed by IPAS, IPAS actively provided training and capacity building for health providers, collaborated with local organization in district level.
Develop a policy on postpartum and post-abortion FP counselling and services pre-discharge Policy development and materials IPAS, through the PEKERTI project starting in January 2018, developed a comprehensive post-abortion care consist of 5 components: 1) releasing the product of conception; 2) post-abortion counselling; 3) post-abortion FP services; 4) other reproductive health services; and 5) service referral and community engagement. At the national level, IPAS also actively involved on the policy development in post-abortion cares and services which result in the establishment of 2 (two) National Guidance on Medical Services (PNPK) focusing on post-abortion care and National Guidance on Medical Services (PNPK) on contraception which is currently still on drafting process.