Options is an international development consultancy delivering innovative solutions to some of the most complex health challenges around the world. We drive transformational improvements in the health and well-being of the most vulnerable, particularly women and children.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Private Health workers capacity to provide FP services assessed Trained Counties on FP dash board. Trained Counties on FP dash board through Service Availability Readiness Assessment (SARA)for public and private health care workers .
County CIPS developed Supported the review and finalization of CIPs for Elgeyo Marakwet and 5 Baringo Counties. Supported the review and finalization of CIPs for Elgeyo Marakwet and 5 Baringo Counties.
Total amount allocated for procurement of FP commodities in the National Budget Mobilized an additional 785 million in 2019/20 Through its advocacy efforts under the Commodity Security TWG mobilized an additional 785 million in 2019/20