Tanzania is making constant strides in improving maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition. Infant mortality rates have decreased from 99 to 51 per 1,000 live births, and under-five mortality rates dramatically declined from 147 to 81 per 1,000 live births (DHS, 2010). However, maternal and neonatal mortality rates remain high. This is further compounded by insufficient and inequitably distributed healthcare providers which affects service coverage, quality, and use.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
FP budget advocacy to increase financing and accountability Engaging in advocacy for RMNCAH in the country including Family Planning services for women of reproductive age The GFF – CSO Coordinating group for RMNCAH whose secretariat is Health Promotion Tanzania, has been engaging in advocacy for RMNCAH in the country including Family Planning services for women of reproductive age. The coordinating group advocates for better RMNCAH financing in the nine low performing regions of RMNCAH in the country. As part of the advocacy, Health Promotion Tanzania on behalf of the coordinating group issued a statement to the Minister of Health Hon. Dr. Ummy Mwalimu ahead of the World Health Assembly (WHA). In echoing the statement of the World Health Organization (WHO), HDT urged the Government of Tanzania to scale up financial resources to cater to Human Resources for Health and improvement of health facilities in terms of 3 star rating that will also be able to provide family planning service when needed or in demand.