Kiota Women's Health and Development (KIWOHEDE) is a non- government organization with focus to promote reproductive health, children’s rights, development and advocacy. The organization was founded in 1998 by health and social worker activists and got her registration in 1999. Since her inception KIWOHEDE engaged in rights promotion, social economical and development approaches as the organizing principle of her project to serve women, children, youth and the community. KIWOHEDE’s project thematically focus is to fight child sexual abuse, violence and exploitations, teen pregnancy, early marriages and school dropouts among girls across the country.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
FP programs targeting young men Created awareness on ASRH and the use of FP Created awareness on adolescent sexual reproductive health and the use of family planning involving both male and female to ensure inclusivity.
Young people and marginalized populations targeted for FP/RMNCH information and services Distributed IECs materials on RMNCAH and FP to the target population IECs materials on RMNCAH and family planning were distributed to the target population including the youth and young adolescents in the regions they work in.