1131c Msasani Road Masaki Dar es Salaam United Republic of Tanzania

As UNFPA continues to implement its eighth country programme (2016/17 - 2020/21) in Tanzania, it does so in a country that is experiencing change. Tanzania is moving steadily towards middle-income status, and changes in the population structure have resulted in a very youthful population; 44 per cent of the population are below the age of 15, and 19 per cent are aged between 15 to 24 years. It is essential to ensure the fruits of development are equitably shared and that no one is left behind.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Out-reach services targeting youth in hard-to-reach areas, including densely-populated urban area Work to scale up and expand FP services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of FP Work to scale up and expand family planning services inclusive of permanent and short term methods of family planning in the health facilities in different parts of Tanzania with a greater focus on addressing the overarching problem of unmet needs among women and young adolescents of reproductive age.
Health workers trained in provision of youth-friendly service Trained youth facilitator and volunteers on sexual and reproductive health Trained youth facilitator and volunteers on sexual and reproductive health to ensure that youth friendly services are integrated in the health facilities.
Application of a Total Market Approach (TMA) for increased access to FP services across public and private sectors Iniatiated the Total Market Approach (TMA) Total Market Approach (TMA) is aright based approach which envisages on equity in the access to family planning services. TMA recognizes the social groups/quintiles based on the income distribution. In this approach, the rich group is obliged to pay higher for the services whereas the middle earners pay moderately and the poor are granted a free access to family planning services. The approach was initiated by UNFPA and to begin with, there have been stakeholders’ consultations through a designed survey. Generally, the approach is yet to be adapted as partners are still generating evidence that will inform advocacy to influence the GoT through MoH to endorse this approach. However, a lot of efforts in documentation and packaging of evidence about the approach is still needed in order for building rationale to why it’s the best approach and of course, the likely difference it will make in service delivery and access to family planning in Tanzania.
Innovative mechanisms for financing FP programming Contributed into the financing of family planning Contributed into the financing of family planning by either direct health facility financing, health sector basket fund or through different projects and interventions being implemented in several regions of the country.