- Achieved Available information indicates that process indicator has been achieved
- On Track Available information indicates that process indicator is not yet achieved, but ongoing efforts are being made
- Not on Track No contribution has been reported
Leadership / Governance
Conduct a forum with media professionals and public relations
Process Indicators
Health Service Delivery
Scale up of SMART START and Willow Box
Process Indicators
Health Service Delivery
Integrate comprehensive life skills education training curricula and implement in both in-school and out of school setting
Process Indicators
Health Service Delivery
Leverage existing community level structures such as the HEP involving HEWs and HDAs, FBOs, religious institutions, Sunday schools, and other traditional community platforms to provide AYH information and comprehensive life skills education
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Revise and update the minimum package of the HEP to focus on AYH with a component on interventions for vulnerable adolescents and youth
Process Indicators
Leadership / Governance
Develop age-appropriate information and behaviour change communication tools to raise awareness about the health needs of adolescents
Process Indicators