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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Pro-pride Implemented a radio program, Tenama promoting reproductive health and family planning and aired to the public once a week on Ahadu Radio Station Implemented a radio program, Tenama promoting reproductive health and family planning and aired to the public once a week on Ahadu Radio Station. Pro Pride produced and aired a total of 51 episodes that reached more than six million people living in Addis Ababa, Oromia, Amhara Regions and other parts of the country including Southern Region. Tenama radio program used a magazine format consisting of multiple features or presentations such as “Examples of change”, “Guest of the week”, and true life stories of individuals or research findings on reproductive health and family planning targeting different audiences including youth and adolescent.
Amref Health Africa Ethiopia leading the implementation of USAIDTransform Health in Developing Regions Amref Health Africa Is leading the implementation of USAIDTransform Health in Developing Regions (Gambela, Benishangul, Afar and Somali). The activity which begun in May 2017 has been operational in 29 woredas, expanded to cover additional 29 woredas in October, 2019. The project supported: Thirty-six Health Extension Workers (HEWs) (20 female), who were trained on Implanon NXT insertion to improve community level access and quality of long term reversible contraceptive from Somali region. Eighty-three religious/clan/community leaders participated in sensitization workshop from Somali and Afar regions. The religious and community leaders are engaged in disseminating information and education on key RMNCH/FP issues during religious events and teaching. More than 93,000 members of the community were reached with key messages on RMNCH/FP service availability and benefits during religious events, especially during weekly Friday prayers at Mosque Completed development of the health extension worker (HEW) training facilitators’ guide on community mobilization. Two school reproductive health (RH) clubs in Afar have been supervised and supported.
Marie Stopes Ethiopia Developed family health guideline, which contains key health information meant to support families. The Ministry of Health has developed family health guideline, which contains key health information meant to support families. The guideline, have been widely distributed and utilized by the rural communities, especially utilized to train Women Development Groups. More than 422,523 volunteer community health development armies, received competencies based training.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Pro-pride Implemented a radio program, Tenama promoting reproductive health and family planning and aired to the public once a week on Ahadu Radio Station Implemented a radio program, Tenama promoting reproductive health and family planning and aired to the public once a week on Ahadu Radio Station. Pro Pride produced and aired a total of 51 episodes that reached more than six million people living in Addis Ababa, Oromia, Amhara Regions and other parts of the country including Southern Region. Tenama radio program used a magazine format consisting of multiple features or presentations such as “Examples of change”, “Guest of the week”, and true life stories of individuals or research findings on reproductive health and family planning targeting different audiences including youth and adolescent.
Amref Health Africa Ethiopia leading the implementation of USAIDTransform Health in Developing Regions Amref Health Africa Is leading the implementation of USAIDTransform Health in Developing Regions (Gambela, Benishangul, Afar and Somali). The activity which begun in May 2017 has been operational in 29 woredas, expanded to cover additional 29 woredas in October, 2019. The project supported: Thirty-six Health Extension Workers (HEWs) (20 female), who were trained on Implanon NXT insertion to improve community level access and quality of long term reversible contraceptive from Somali region. Eighty-three religious/clan/community leaders participated in sensitization workshop from Somali and Afar regions. The religious and community leaders are engaged in disseminating information and education on key RMNCH/FP issues during religious events and teaching. More than 93,000 members of the community were reached with key messages on RMNCH/FP service availability and benefits during religious events, especially during weekly Friday prayers at Mosque Completed development of the health extension worker (HEW) training facilitators’ guide on community mobilization. Two school reproductive health (RH) clubs in Afar have been supervised and supported.
Marie Stopes Ethiopia Developed family health guideline, which contains key health information meant to support families. The Ministry of Health has developed family health guideline, which contains key health information meant to support families. The guideline, have been widely distributed and utilized by the rural communities, especially utilized to train Women Development Groups. More than 422,523 volunteer community health development armies, received competencies based training.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter