
  • Achieved Available information indicates that process indicator has been achieved
  • On Track Available information indicates that process indicator is not yet achieved, but ongoing efforts are being made
  • Not on Track No contribution has been reported
Read time: 1 min
  • Leadership / Governance

    1. National SBCC task force oversees design of a national SBCC strategy and FP communication messages. 2. produce standard communication materials for use by all stakeholders

    Process Indicators
    • On Track National SBCC strategy developed for NAL counties
      Progress Summary
      PSK, with other consortium members and through UK aid-funded Delivering Sustainable and Equitable Increases in Family Planning (DESIP) in Kenya project, developed a human-centered design FP SBCC strategy that is being implemented in different locations, including the NAL counties. The strategy is customized to each of the implementing counties: Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet, Turkana and West Pokot. Contributed by: PSK
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  • Health Service Delivery

    Monitor implementation of the SBCC strategy (bi-annually)

    Process Indicators
    • Not on Track SBCC strategy monitored bi-annually
      Progress Summary
      The SBCC strategy has been developed at the county level and will be adapted to the national level. Partners are currently implementing activities on the SBCC that will later be evaluated.
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  • Health Service Delivery

    Train and deploy group of FP champions in each county to address myths and misconceptions

    Process Indicators
  • Health Information Systems

    Evaluate the impact of messaging on myths and misconceptions around FP

    Process Indicators
  • Health Service Delivery

    Community Health Volunteers (CHV) identify and engage couples who support the use of modern contraception within villages

    Process Indicators
    • On Track CHV supporting use of modern contraceptives in villages
      Progress Summary
      Various implementing partners have been supporting the CHVs to continue providing FP services in their communities, including interpersonal communication through market activities, health talks and community dialogues for FP. The CHVs also participate in community meetings organized by the county administration and create mass awareness through megaphones. Contributed by: Marie Stopes Kenya, Omega Foundation, PSK
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  • Leadership / Governance

    National FP TWG to identify and engage prominent personalities to promote FP as champions: (e.g., musicians, artists, politicians, sports personalities).

    Process Indicators