
  • Achieved Available information indicates that process indicator has been achieved
  • On Track Available information indicates that process indicator is not yet achieved, but ongoing efforts are being made
  • Not on Track No contribution has been reported
Read time: 1 min
  • Leadership / Governance

    The Government of Kenya commits to steward the TMA process by reviewing its current policy on free distribution of FP commodities to the private sector, which hinders the sector’s ability to enter the market on their own. Specific actions will be agreed to control leakage of free commodities into the private market where they are resold.

    Process Indicators
  • Leadership / Governance

    The MoH commits to implementing a comprehensive TMA 2020 plan that will provide guidance to development and implementing partners. In addition to the Total Market Approach, other approaches, and methodologies (e.g. social franchising and social marketing will be supported to improve coverage of FP services to the underserved and marginalized groups to improve geographical coverage of services; reduce physical barriers to access and to improve existing health services.

    Process Indicators