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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Consortium of Reproductive Health Association ( CORHA) Organized tailored training on Human Rights-based Approach to strengthen the capacity of UNFPA implementing partners to address adolescent youth development issues CORHA organized tailored training on Human Rights-based Approach to strengthen the capacity of UNFPA implementing partners to address adolescent youth development issues. The training was organized particularly for implementing partners (IPs) drawn from Addis Ababa and Oromiya regions. A total of 23 (10 female and 13 male) staffs of IP from Bureau of children, women and youth, labor and social affairs, Regional HAPCO, Health bureau and CSOs working on adolescent and youth with especial emphasis on SRH, Gender, and child protection.
Ministry of Health Ethiopia Pre-service training curricula revised with CRC principles Pre-service training curricula revised with CRC principles CRC incubation centers established Experience sharing on professionalism and ethical practices in the health care for the health workforce was conducted
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Consortium of Reproductive Health Association ( CORHA) Organized tailored training on Human Rights-based Approach to strengthen the capacity of UNFPA implementing partners to address adolescent youth development issues CORHA organized tailored training on Human Rights-based Approach to strengthen the capacity of UNFPA implementing partners to address adolescent youth development issues. The training was organized particularly for implementing partners (IPs) drawn from Addis Ababa and Oromiya regions. A total of 23 (10 female and 13 male) staffs of IP from Bureau of children, women and youth, labor and social affairs, Regional HAPCO, Health bureau and CSOs working on adolescent and youth with especial emphasis on SRH, Gender, and child protection.
Ministry of Health Ethiopia Pre-service training curricula revised with CRC principles Pre-service training curricula revised with CRC principles CRC incubation centers established Experience sharing on professionalism and ethical practices in the health care for the health workforce was conducted
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter