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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Vision 4 Youth Advocates for youth friendly services to be integrated at council level Advocates for youth friendly services to be integrated at council level through engaging in consultative meeting with CHMT and Council Social Development Committee at Arusha MC and Monduli DC.
KIVIDEA Mobilized youth through peer educators to access FP services at the facility level. Mobilized youth through peer educators to access FP services at the facility level. The peer educators’ referred all the youth to the facility where they were attended by trained health workers on youth friendly services. Through this initiative 26 health workers provided youth – friendly services in 13 facilities and 302 youth referred to access youth – friendly services in their areas.
Tanzania Red Cross Society Worked with community health workers in linking the young adolescents to youth friendly services in Simiyu Worked with community health workers in linking the young adolescents to youth friendly services in Simiyu
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Vision 4 Youth Advocates for youth friendly services to be integrated at council level Advocates for youth friendly services to be integrated at council level through engaging in consultative meeting with CHMT and Council Social Development Committee at Arusha MC and Monduli DC.
KIVIDEA Mobilized youth through peer educators to access FP services at the facility level. Mobilized youth through peer educators to access FP services at the facility level. The peer educators’ referred all the youth to the facility where they were attended by trained health workers on youth friendly services. Through this initiative 26 health workers provided youth – friendly services in 13 facilities and 302 youth referred to access youth – friendly services in their areas.
Tanzania Red Cross Society Worked with community health workers in linking the young adolescents to youth friendly services in Simiyu Worked with community health workers in linking the young adolescents to youth friendly services in Simiyu
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter