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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Ministry of Health Uganda Developed RBF manual. Has developed RBF manual and RBF implementation is based on the RBF framework, with internal verification carried out by the extended DHMT.
Ministry of Health Uganda Developed RBF manual and RBF implementation Developed RBF manual and RBF implementation is based on the RBF framework, with internal verification carried out by the extended DHMT. A set of indicators is used to monitor implementation of the agreed actions eligible for funding. Ministry of Health houses RBF within the Planning department and there is a focal point for RBF at the level of a Commissioner. The department has already commenced the role of supporting development of the RBF and recruitment of the RBF unit staff is in advanced stages
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There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Ministry of Health Uganda Developed RBF manual. Has developed RBF manual and RBF implementation is based on the RBF framework, with internal verification carried out by the extended DHMT.
Ministry of Health Uganda Developed RBF manual and RBF implementation Developed RBF manual and RBF implementation is based on the RBF framework, with internal verification carried out by the extended DHMT. A set of indicators is used to monitor implementation of the agreed actions eligible for funding. Ministry of Health houses RBF within the Planning department and there is a focal point for RBF at the level of a Commissioner. The department has already commenced the role of supporting development of the RBF and recruitment of the RBF unit staff is in advanced stages