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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Marie Stopes Kenya Trained 850 active CHVs and mobilizers MSK have trained 850 active CHVs and mobilizers
World Vision Kenya Trained 42 CHVs in West Pokot and Isiolo World Vision trained 42 CHVs in West Pokot and Isiolo
Amref-Kenya Mapping out youths, religious leaders and HCVs as champions was initiated Mapping out youths, religious leaders and HCVs as champions was initiated in Tana River, Samburu, Garissa, Homabay, Kwale, Mombasa, Turkana, Wajir and Marsabit counties.
JHPIEGO Kenya The Project supported training of 57 youth champions In Kakamega County, the Project supported training of 57 youth champions to provide linkage and mobilization for sexual reproductive health services as well as community based distributors of condoms. In Kisumu County, a total of 80 youth champions were trained, while in Kitui County, the Project supported the training of 39 youth champions. Similarly, the Project has trained 20 youth champions
Ministry of Health Kenya Coordinated and provided support supervision for the trained champions Coordinated and provided support supervision for the trained champions
Pathfinder International Kenya Identified, trained and deployed 277 male FP champions in Kilifi County Identified, trained and deployed 277 male FP champions in Kilifi County
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Marie Stopes Kenya Trained 850 active CHVs and mobilizers MSK have trained 850 active CHVs and mobilizers
World Vision Kenya Trained 42 CHVs in West Pokot and Isiolo World Vision trained 42 CHVs in West Pokot and Isiolo
Amref-Kenya Mapping out youths, religious leaders and HCVs as champions was initiated Mapping out youths, religious leaders and HCVs as champions was initiated in Tana River, Samburu, Garissa, Homabay, Kwale, Mombasa, Turkana, Wajir and Marsabit counties.
JHPIEGO Kenya The Project supported training of 57 youth champions In Kakamega County, the Project supported training of 57 youth champions to provide linkage and mobilization for sexual reproductive health services as well as community based distributors of condoms. In Kisumu County, a total of 80 youth champions were trained, while in Kitui County, the Project supported the training of 39 youth champions. Similarly, the Project has trained 20 youth champions
Ministry of Health Kenya Coordinated and provided support supervision for the trained champions Coordinated and provided support supervision for the trained champions
Pathfinder International Kenya Identified, trained and deployed 277 male FP champions in Kilifi County Identified, trained and deployed 277 male FP champions in Kilifi County
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter