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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Omega foundation Engaged youth Peer providers who give health education at the community level Engaged youth Peer providers who give health education at the community level and link cclients to the facility for further management and support. Support Community Health Volunteers who also act as linkages between community and the facility in Siaya and Homabay.
Wa-Wa Wanawake Wavuvi Kenya Engaged mothers through mother to mother groups and men to men groups that have been formed Engaged mothers through mother to mother groups and men to men groups that have been formed, the issue are discussed every month when they gather for soft loan /table banking meetings
JHPIEGO Kenya Young mothers’ clubs recruit the girls at 28weeks. Young mothers’ clubs recruit the girls at 28weeks.The CHA is the link to the girl to the facility when she comes to deliver. The County focal AYSRH person/partner (Jhpiego) is responsible for integration of girls back to school or linkage to microfinance institutions or vocational opportunities/trainings for those not interested in going back to school
Amref-Kenya Building capacity of Adolescents & Youth facilitators Building capacity of Adolescents & Youth facilitators to be trainers at the community on family Planning under the Afya Timiza project in Samburu and Turkana County
Pathfinder International Kenya Creating cohorts of teenage mothers “Binti Kwa Binti” groups. Creating cohorts of teenage mothers “Binti Kwa Binti” groups, to enhance utilization of antenatal and postnatal services.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Wa-Wa Wanawake Wavuvi Kenya Engaged mothers through mother to mother groups and men to men groups that have been formed Engaged mothers through mother to mother groups and men to men groups that have been formed, the issue are discussed every month when they gather for soft loan /table banking meetings
JHPIEGO Kenya Young mothers’ clubs recruit the girls at 28weeks. Young mothers’ clubs recruit the girls at 28weeks.The CHA is the link to the girl to the facility when she comes to deliver. The County focal AYSRH person/partner (Jhpiego) is responsible for integration of girls back to school or linkage to microfinance institutions or vocational opportunities/trainings for those not interested in going back to school
Amref-Kenya Building capacity of Adolescents & Youth facilitators Building capacity of Adolescents & Youth facilitators to be trainers at the community on family Planning under the Afya Timiza project in Samburu and Turkana County
Pathfinder International Kenya Creating cohorts of teenage mothers “Binti Kwa Binti” groups. Creating cohorts of teenage mothers “Binti Kwa Binti” groups, to enhance utilization of antenatal and postnatal services.
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Omega foundation Engaged youth Peer providers who give health education at the community level Engaged youth Peer providers who give health education at the community level and link cclients to the facility for further management and support. Support Community Health Volunteers who also act as linkages between community and the facility in Siaya and Homabay.