WA-WA is a swahili abbreviation meaning ‘Wanawake Wavuvi’ which in English means fisher women. WA-WA’s main focus is to reduce HIV/AIDS among the fisher communities through eliminating ‘sex for fish’ which contributes heavily to HIV/AIDS infections. Therefore, our aim is to turn tables around lake Victoria where the major jobs are dominated by men.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Parental/community support structures/systems for pregnant adolescents established Engaged mothers through mother to mother groups and men to men groups that have been formed Engaged mothers through mother to mother groups and men to men groups that have been formed, the issue are discussed every month when they gather for soft loan /table banking meetings
Health facilities supported to provide youth friendly services One youth friendly centre at Makongeni hospital has been established In collaboration with Family Health Option Kenya, WOFAK and other partners one youth friendly centre at Makongeni hospital has been established