UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Approved RH policy that incorporates TMA for FP Provided logistical support in the development of the RH policy Provided logistical support in the development of the RH policy
Dissemination of the CIP at the County Level Provided logistical support during the dissemination meeting Provided logistical support during the dissemination meeting
National Budget line for FP established Advocacy efforts at the high level on domestic financing Advocacy efforts at the high level on domestic financing
Total amount allocated for procurement of FP commodities in the National Budget annually Contributed towards the procurement of different family planning commodites For FY 2017/18 contributed $ 2,591,867 toward procurement of family planning commodities (female condoms $1,012,890, IUDs $ 42,125, and $ 1,536,852) For FY 2018/19 contributed $ 5,203,430 toward procurement of family planning commodities (Implants - $ 3,678,440, Male condoms - $603,784, Injectable - $ 406,573, female condoms 382,443, IUDs - $ 97,343, COCs - $ 25,201 and POPs - $ 9,466) For FY 2017/18 contributed $ 5,809,031 toward procurement of family planning commodities (Implants - $ 4,490,312, Female condoms - $ 816,762, male condoms - $ 365,177, Injectable - $ 85,048 and IUDs - $ 51,732