It is an organization which empowers poor and marginalized people to take charge of their own development. Shares skills and knowledge to create long lasting, sustainable change. Builds collaborative partnerships that promote innovation, growth and impact

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
National SBCC strategy developed for NAL counties Developed an SBCC strategy In the DESIP project, VSO and other consortium partners have developed an SBCC strategy that will address context specific issues of demand creation, access and utilization of FP commodities in the Northern and Arid Lands of Kenya where the project is implemented. Achieved with support from VSO and other consortium partners MoH, Amref Health Africa. Populations Services Kenya, Health Rights International, Options Consultancy Ltd and Faith to Action Network
National FP conference held Participated in various fora at National level to deliberate on FP issues VSO has participated in various fora at National level to deliberate on FP issues. E.g. build up meetings and activities to the ICPD25.
Health facilities supported to provide youth friendly services Trained health facility managers from Turkana on social inclusion and gender for FP demand generation VSO trained health facility managers from Turkana on social inclusion and gender for FP demand generation
Regional County meetings. Provided support and coordinated FP technical working meetings Provided support and coordinated FP technical working meetings in 5 clusters and developing materials for FP SBCC strategy in South West, Coastal Region, Upper Eastern, North Rift, North Eastern counties.