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Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Amref Health Africa Ethiopia Conducted post-partum FP (PPFP) training to health care providers working in delivery rooms in the health centres and equip 58 health centres with IUCD kits Transform HDR has conducted post-partum family planning (PPFP) training to health care providers working in delivery rooms in the health centres and equip 58 health centres with IUCD kits. Post LARC training follow up conducted in 22 health facilities (12 in Afar, five in Benshangul Gumuz and five in Gambella regions) to observe trained providers applying the skills learned from the training and provide onsite mentoring and coaching to improve quality of services.
Ministry of Health Ethiopia Level four HEWs were trained on comprehensive FP provision. Level four HEWs were trained on comprehensive FP provision, focusing on Implanon insertion/removal and IUCD services. More than 23,000 of the level three Health Extension Workers (HEWs) have been graduated as level 4 Health Extension- Professionals (HE-Ps) and redeployed to their Kebeles. In addition, health posts were assessed for readiness, level 4 HEWs trained on IUCD insertion and removal, and health posts were equipped with equipment for IUCD insertion and removal in bid to expand IUCD service to the community. Health professionals from pastoralist regions trained on comprehensive FP to increase the number of skilled health care providers in FP, especially in LARCs and Implanon service were scaled up in pastoralist regions through training L4HEWs.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter
Partner / Organisation Contribution Description
Amref Health Africa Ethiopia Conducted post-partum FP (PPFP) training to health care providers working in delivery rooms in the health centres and equip 58 health centres with IUCD kits Transform HDR has conducted post-partum family planning (PPFP) training to health care providers working in delivery rooms in the health centres and equip 58 health centres with IUCD kits. Post LARC training follow up conducted in 22 health facilities (12 in Afar, five in Benshangul Gumuz and five in Gambella regions) to observe trained providers applying the skills learned from the training and provide onsite mentoring and coaching to improve quality of services.
Ministry of Health Ethiopia Level four HEWs were trained on comprehensive FP provision. Level four HEWs were trained on comprehensive FP provision, focusing on Implanon insertion/removal and IUCD services. More than 23,000 of the level three Health Extension Workers (HEWs) have been graduated as level 4 Health Extension- Professionals (HE-Ps) and redeployed to their Kebeles. In addition, health posts were assessed for readiness, level 4 HEWs trained on IUCD insertion and removal, and health posts were equipped with equipment for IUCD insertion and removal in bid to expand IUCD service to the community. Health professionals from pastoralist regions trained on comprehensive FP to increase the number of skilled health care providers in FP, especially in LARCs and Implanon service were scaled up in pastoralist regions through training L4HEWs.
There is currently no contributions made in this quarter