Bole Sub City, Woreda 03, House # 2310. P.O.Box. 20855 Code 1000. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Amref Health Africa is a non-governmental organisation headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya and founded in 1957. Our vision is lasting health change in Africa. Amref Health Africa began partnering with Ethiopian communities to improve health in the 1960s, and became fully operational and registered as an international NGO in 2002.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Curricula for HEWs on logistics/ commodity management revised Supported printing of 2000 RRF Supported printing of 2000 RRF (two types) and 2000 Health Post Monthly Report and Request forms (HPMRR) for Transform HDR supported regions.
Integrated supportive supervision to health posts conducted Provided technical, financial and logistic assistance to the national ISS implementation activities. Provided technical, financial and logistic assistance to the national ISS implementation activities. Follow up visits were also conducted to health facilities to provide supportive supervision and mentoring on FP (LARC). Furthermore, the project provided RMNCH/FP clinical mentoring and supervision for health centres through catchment hospitals.
Integrated catchment based Mentorship and supervision conducted at all warehouses Supported the Ministry of Health in the development of standard training material Through the USAID Transform HDR, supported the Ministry of Health in the development of standard training material intended to build the capacity of pharmacy professionals in the management of RMNCH pharmaceuticals. The project then successfully conducted the first RMNCH Pharmaceuticals Management TOT training to the four developing regional states. A total of 23 selected participants from THDR regions RHBs, PFSA hubs, hospitals, FMOH and USAID: PSM attended the TOT training. In-collaboration with MOH and respective RHBs, Amref cascaded RMNCH Pharmaceuticals Management Basic Training in the four developing regional states. One hundred and four participants (22 female) were trained in the four regions: 25 from Afar, 21 from Benishangul Gumuz and 29 each from Gambella and Somali regions.
Number of HEWs trained in comprehensive family planning and counseling services Conducted post-partum FP (PPFP) training to health care providers working in delivery rooms in the health centres and equip 58 health centres with IUCD kits Transform HDR has conducted post-partum family planning (PPFP) training to health care providers working in delivery rooms in the health centres and equip 58 health centres with IUCD kits. Post LARC training follow up conducted in 22 health facilities (12 in Afar, five in Benshangul Gumuz and five in Gambella regions) to observe trained providers applying the skills learned from the training and provide onsite mentoring and coaching to improve quality of services.
Existing community level structures such as the HEP involving HEWs and HDAs, FBOs, religious institutions, Sunday schools, and other traditional community platforms provide AYH information and life-skill training education leading the implementation of USAIDTransform Health in Developing Regions Amref Health Africa Is leading the implementation of USAIDTransform Health in Developing Regions (Gambela, Benishangul, Afar and Somali). The activity which begun in May 2017 has been operational in 29 woredas, expanded to cover additional 29 woredas in October, 2019. The project supported: Thirty-six Health Extension Workers (HEWs) (20 female), who were trained on Implanon NXT insertion to improve community level access and quality of long term reversible contraceptive from Somali region. Eighty-three religious/clan/community leaders participated in sensitization workshop from Somali and Afar regions. The religious and community leaders are engaged in disseminating information and education on key RMNCH/FP issues during religious events and teaching. More than 93,000 members of the community were reached with key messages on RMNCH/FP service availability and benefits during religious events, especially during weekly Friday prayers at Mosque Completed development of the health extension worker (HEW) training facilitators’ guide on community mobilization. Two school reproductive health (RH) clubs in Afar have been supervised and supported.