Pro-pride stands for empowering the disadvantaged individuals, families and communities to eradicate poverty by realizing their latent potential.

Organisation's Contributions

Process Indicator Contribution Description
Elaboration et validation du plan d'opérationnalisation Participation active aux rencontres d’élaboration et de validation du document d’opérationnalisation A participé activement aux rencontres d’élaboration et de validation du document d’opérationnalisation de la gratuité
Existing community level structures such as the HEP involving HEWs and HDAs, FBOs, religious institutions, Sunday schools, and other traditional community platforms provide AYH information and life-skill training education Implemented a radio program, Tenama promoting reproductive health and family planning and aired to the public once a week on Ahadu Radio Station Implemented a radio program, Tenama promoting reproductive health and family planning and aired to the public once a week on Ahadu Radio Station. Pro Pride produced and aired a total of 51 episodes that reached more than six million people living in Addis Ababa, Oromia, Amhara Regions and other parts of the country including Southern Region. Tenama radio program used a magazine format consisting of multiple features or presentations such as “Examples of change”, “Guest of the week”, and true life stories of individuals or research findings on reproductive health and family planning targeting different audiences including youth and adolescent.